Numbers, numbers and numbers again. Many of you asked us the meanings of these numbers and the reason why we choose them.
Is it a phone number? Actually not. Is that a serial number? Nah, it would be a really boring name. So, let’s find out why we decided to call our new guitars models with these names.
If you think Italian, you may imagine an Italian guy living in a world made of pizza, pasta, beautiful places, green hills and hot sunny beaches (and beautiful guitars as well). But there is another thing that we love so much: CARS!
Here at Paoletti Guitars we love cars almost as much as we love making guitars. This is why we decide to pay homage to four beautiful italian cars, four pieces of our history and icons of the 20th century:
The 112, 128, 500 and 850 models by FIAT.
Autobianchi A112

Fiat 128

Fiat 500

<meta charset="utf-8">Fiat 850