For the De André Foundation

For the De André Foundation

15 June 2023
For the De André Foundation

Gli occhi dischiuse il vecchio al giorno
Non si guardò neppure intorno
Ma versò il vino e spezzò il pane
Per chi diceva ho sete e ho fame

The old man opened his eyes to the day
He didn’t even look away
He poured the wine and broke the bread
For him who said I’m thirsty, unfed

“Il Pescatore” (The Fisherman), 1968

Paoletti Guitars would not exist without these lines.

Young Fabrizio De André performing on stage

Fabrizio De André is the reason why Fabrizio Paoletti began his journey in the world of music and guitars making.
His passion for the renown Italian musician and songwriter had him attend guitar classes in 2004, just to learn and play De André’s poems. It all started back then.

Rough and moving songs like “La Guerra di Piero” (Piero’s War) or “Bocca di Rose” (Rosebud Lips) have always been a great inspiration for Fabrizio Paoletti. Years have passed, but Fabrizio’s passion is stronger than ever and after having built a custom artisan guitars company, appreciated and considered a reference point by artists, musicians and guitars lovers worldwide, he wanted to give something back to his idol.

The 501 LoungeGolden Ocean, crafted for and donated to the De André Foundation

Fabrizio crafted and donated to the De André Foundation a unique piece, the 501 LoungeGolden Ocean, a deep blue guitar – having the color of the sea, a beloved place for the artist and a symbol of connection and acknowledgement for Fabrizio Paoletti’s most heartfelt tribute.

The De André Foundation is a non-profit foundation dedicated to preserve and celebrate the artist’s work and legacy. It was founded and is managed by Fabrizio De André’s wife, the famous singer Dori Ghezzi. Fabrizio Paoletti had the chance to meet and hand the guitar over to her.

Fabrizio Paoletti with Dori Ghezzi, holding Fabrizio De André’s historic guitar

«I cannot express well enough my gratitude for being here and having the opportunity to say “Thank you” to Fabrizio De André – he meant so much for me and my work.

Thank you Dori, for your dedication and commitment, I owe you and the De André Foundation the happiest day of my life!»

Fabrizio Paoletti