See you at Guitar Summit 2024! Mannheim – Germany

See you at Guitar Summit 2024! Mannheim – Germany

3 September 2024
See you at Guitar Summit 2024! Mannheim – Germany

A big event is approaching! The 2024 Guitar Summit in Mannheim Germany is becoming more and more relevant in the music world, gathering global stars and top master builders in the Industry.

This is an amazing opportunity to enjoy our shared love for music in the majestic Rosengarten Palace in Mannheim.

This year we will be participating in the Summit with our very experts, who are eager to be meeting our European audience, and many more guitar lovers from abroad.

On September 27-29th come visit booth 155 – level 0, and take the chance to speak with our staff, ready to unravel Paoletti Guitars secrets and help you build your perfect custom guitar!

Mirko Michalzik with a Paoletti Guitars’ Nancy Loft, picture by Jana Kay.

SAVE THE DATE for our demo by Mirko Michalzik, performing on the Electric Stage 2 of the Rosengarten Palace on September 27th at 13.00 (1 pm).

A special thanks goes to our local distributor, who has played a fundamental role in having us at the Guitar Summit this year and who has proven a trusted partner representing Paoletti Guitars in Germany and Austria for years, with the utmost care for our beloved instruments and – even more important – an attentive efficient support for our customers, ever demanding top quality and durability.

Spot out booth from the map below!

Danke an unsere treuen Kunden in Deutschland und Österreich, die seit Jahren die Qualität unserer Instrumente zu schätzen wissen.