Nancy Chianti Wine SH
Here is one of the first creations of the new Wine series finish variation - the rare Nancy Chianti Wine SH.
We believe true innovation comes from honoring tradition. Our Wine Series, crafted from aged chestnut wood, the same essence once used for wine barrels, has been celebrated worldwide as a symbol Italian artistry and unique to Paoletti Guitars. Now, we’re proud to introduce the New Chianti Wine finish.
The vibrations that a chestnut body generates is one of a kind in frequency, harmony and offers tonal sustain across the full harmonic spectrum.
Here is a Paoletti Nancy Wine SH equipped with Roasted Maple and Paoletti OEM hardware.
Nancy Wine SH - Paoletti Guitars, is a classic guitar for all lovers of the natural wood that are searching about a customize guitar.
Paoletti Pickups are handmade and manufactured 100% in house. Wired to the guitars electronics with a 22 AWG tinned cloth wire. Each pickup is coated with a wax layer to maintain integrity and to protect from any external interference. And best of all, they're built to last!
On board of this model , Mr. Paoletti has chosen to feature a Paoletti Nancy60's – 7.5K Alnico 5 and a Paoletti Rock II - 8.1K Alnico 5. CRL switch and CTS pots, ensure an accurate selection of your desired tone.
This model is also completely plastic free!
The Nancy Wine SH guarantees satisfaction for every musician looking to own a real piece of our family's history and for that one of a kind guitar that really stands out from the crowd.
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"It's a great emotion to give a new life to our ancient chestnut, is like painting a memory of it that last in a guitar, ready to bring you years of high quality playing."
Fabrizio Paoletti - Master Builder
Aged Chestnut WoodBODY COLOR
050 Chianti Wine Natural FinishNECK MATERIAL
Canadian Roasted MapleNECK SHAPE
Exotic EbonyFRETS
648 mmNUT
Volume/Tone CTS Pots 250K / CRL 3Way SwitchTUNING MACHINES
Kluson DeluxeNECK PICKUP
Paoletti Rock II - 8.1K Alnico 5MIDDLE PICKUP
Walnut Paoletti Nancy60's – 7.5K Alnico 5BRIDGE
Paoletti OEM® 3Saddle NancyPICKGUARD
Paoletti Brass (Nickel finish)WEIGHT
3,6/3,9 KgCASE
Hard CaseMISC
Certificate of Warranty & Authenticity